Setting Up Your Syllabus

The syllabus is the outline of subjects in your course. New chapters and lessons added to the course syllabus menu will appear to the user as shown in the example below.

Step 1: Access the Syllabus Menu

  • In the left navigation menu, select “Structure”, then “Syllabus”

Step 2: Unlock and Select the Course Syllabus


  • Select the “Unlock & Edit” button from the lower left corner to gain access to the syllabus editor. You will need to select the same button, which will now say “Lock & Save”, to secure any changes made to the syllabus
  • You can toggle between the different course syllabuses by selecting one from the “Courses” dropdown menu, located to the immediate right of the word “Syllabus”

Note: You will need to create a syllabus for each individual course.

Step 3: Create your Syllabus

  • Click on the “Actions” drop down menu (the white box to the far right of the word “Syllabus”)
  • Select “Add a New Chapter”
  • Name your new chapter (i.e., Chapter 1, Week 1, Day 1, etc.)
    • To edit, hover your mouse over the word “Chapter” and start typing
  • Now you must attach a lesson to your new chapter. A lesson is essentially a page of content. If you have already created content pages, you can add one or more as an existing lesson. If just getting started, select the “New Lesson” button, located to the immediate right of the “Attach Existing Lesson” box.


  • Enter the name of the new lesson (content page)
  • Select which course to assign your new lesson – this makes it easy to set up different courses within the same product, without having to enter individual content for each separate course
  • Select “Add Page”

Note: Your chapters can have multiple lessons, or pages of content.

Below is an example of a completed course syllabus. The image shows internal and public perspective of one syllabus.


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