Embedding Videos with Vimeo

If you are incorporating videos into your Summit Evergreen content, one of the recommended hosts for your videos is Vimeo. However, if you use Vimeo to host these videos, you may find that you want to make a slight change to the html code associated with the embedded video. This html code appears in the content page in which you include the video. To ensure that your video displays as you’d like it to in your content page, you should do the following:

When you want to embed a Vimeo video, Vimeo gives you html embed code that looks like the following example:

<iframe src=https://player.vimeo.com/video/###### width=”500” height=”281” frameborder=”0” webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p>The Upgraded Entrepreneur™ Session 2 from <a href=https://vimeo.com/user#####>User Name</a> on <a href=https://vimeo.com>Vimeo</a>.</p>

When you click the Summit Evergreen editing toolbar “Insert Video” button and copy this embed code to insert the video into your content, you will see the following box:

In this box, the code highlighted in blue is not necessary for the video to display…..instead, this code simply adds a descriptive line of text after the video. If you’d like this text to appear, then it is not necessary to do anything – you can just hit the “Insert” button. But if you would not like this text to appear, then you should delete this portion of the code before hitting the “Insert” button. Alternatively, if you insert a Vimeo video but inadvertently leave the text in and then want to remove it, you can also simply delete the text right from the page of content.

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