Integrating Infusionsoft CRM and Tags with Summit Evergreen

Infusionsoft Integration

If you are using Infusionsoft for your CRM but are using another payment processor, you will want to follow these instructions. To add tags to an Infusionsoft record after a student purchases your course, you will need to do the following:

  1. Configure Infusionsoft as your CRM in Summit Evergreen
  2. Enter your tags into Summit Evergreen

Step 1: Configuring Summit Evergreen and Infusionsoft

  • In Summit Evergreen, in the left navigation menu, select “Settings”, then “Apps”
  • In the left pane, select “Infusionsoft”
  • This will bring up a page in the right pane that provides Infusionsoft integration details
  • Enter your Infusionsoft application name (can be found in the URL of your Infusionsoft app) and API key
  • Hit “Save” in the lower right corner

Infusionsoft CRM Apps Screen

Step 2: Enter your Tags into Summit Evergreen

  • In Summit Evergreen, make sure the correct product is selected from the product dropdown menu in the upper left corner
  • In the left navigation menu, select “Structure”, then “Tiers”
  • Select the tier for which you want to set up Infusionsoft CRM integration
  • This will bring up a page in the right pane that provides tier details
  • In this page, in the “Tier Details” section, in the “CRM” dropdown box, select “Infusionsoft”
  • Also in this page, in the “Tier Details” section, in the “Mailing List” box, enter the names of your Infusionsoft tags, separated by commas
  • Hit “Save” in the lower right corner
  • And you’re done! Once a customer purchases the course, the tag will be automatically added



Infusionsoft CRM Tiers Screen

Customer Cancellation Option

As one of your course options, you may wish to have a way for customers to cancel their accounts within Summit Evergreen. When integrating with Infusionsoft, you can do this as follows:

  • Create a cancellation form in an Infusionsoft campaign – this will serve as a “cancel button”. In this campaign, set up a notification to customer service to manually cancel the customer’s Infusionsoft purchase. If you wish, you can also send the refund webhook in this campaign to cancel the membership in Summit Evergreen.
  • Embed this cancellation form into a page in your Summit Evergreen course site.
  • Add language in your Summit Evergreen course site asking customers to submit the form if they want to cancel – when they do, it will then kick off your Infusionsoft campaign.



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