Sending Emails to Students

To communicate with your students, you’ll begin by accessing the information that is set up for each student. To get to this information, do the following:

  • In the left navigation menu, select “Students”, then “Users”
  • In the left pane, you will see a list of student names – select the student to whom you want to send an email (to do so, you can scroll through the student list or search for the student’s name or email address)
  • In the right pane you will see that student’s information and a menu in the upper right corner
  • In the upper right corner menu, select “Actions”
  • This will bring up a dropdown menu – in this menu, select “Send email”

  • This will bring up a box in which you can specify an email and then send it to your student

  • Choose which email to send by clicking the “Email to send” dropdown box that contains a list of the various emails available

  • Hit “Send”, and your chosen email will be sent to your student
  • Note: When sending emails to students, the emails are not sent immediately, but rather are batched and sent every 15 minutes
  • Note: This method can only be used to send and resend course related emails from the available list – if you want to send an individual personalized or customized email to a student, you’ll need to use a different method for that purpose


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